Practice Management

Telehealth | Practice Management

What to Know About Telehealth Malpractice Insurance

Since the United States saw its first malpractice case in 1794, medical malpractice has shaped how doctors deliver healthcare. Protecting themselves f...

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Telehealth | Practice Management

How To Use Telehealth in Sports Medicine

Sports medicine keeps athletes healthy and competing at the top of their game, whether they’re professionals, students, or weekend warriors. While the...

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Telehealth | Practice Management

How Telehealth Helps Improve Medication Management

Medication misuse costs the United States roughly $528 billion annually. Expenses caused by wrong prescriptions and doses, skipped doses, and repercus...

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Telehealth | Practice Management

How to Create Effective Telehealth for Occupational Health Providers

As the ability to access critically important needs at a distance increases—groceries, medicine, learning and work—so does the demand for medical acce...

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Practice Management | Physicians

Augmented & Virtual Reality in Healthcare: What You Need to Know

If the first thing you think about when you hear "augmented or virtual technology" is video games, you're not alone.

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Telehealth | Practice Management | Compliance & Legal

Social Media & How It Contributes to Burnout in Physicians

Social media has gone from a novelty to a source of stress and competition among many people. The desire to present oneself online in a very specific ...

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Telehealth | Practice Management

How Much Does it Cost to Implement Telehealth?

Telehealth is a powerful tool going into the future, allowing you to interface with patients like never before. You can increase patient cooperation a...

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Telehealth | Practice Management

What Do Telehealth Nurses Do?

Like with all virtual medical practice, telehealth nursing is an evolving field. Just like nurses in a physical office, telehealth nurses provide care...

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Telehealth | Practice Management

Benefits & Challenges of Telehealth in 2024

Telehealth has grown exponentially during the pandemic, but it was already on a meteoric rise. The ability to interact with patients at a distance, ov...

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Telehealth | Practice Management

Creating A Perfect Practice & Providing Better Care

Providing better care to your patients starts with being in your best possible mindset. For doctors who are burdened by long hours, unstable schedules...

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