
Streamline your telehealth physician hiring process using AI technology

Hire Highly Trained, Credentialed Physicians

Physician staffing problems can disrupt your business or practice and affect patients, productivity, and your bottom line. ViTel’s telehealth staffing solutions combine technology and AI to deliver on-demand physicians trained in the delivery of telehealth, providing solutions for all of your hiring needs.

We deliver on-demand full-time, part-time, or shift-work telehealth physicians for hire. If you are a telehealth service provider, medical clinic, hospital, ER, rural health center, or anyone hiring physicians trained in the delivery of telehealth, let us design a recruitment program for you.

As a ViTel partner, you will have access to our online TeleBoard, where you can post positions available for our members to view or, using our AI search technology, search our physician database to identify the perfect candidate for your needs. Whether you are looking for full-time, part-time, or simply have a weekend shift to cover, ViTel is your recruitment partner.

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Recruitment Comparison




Physicians looking for full-time, part-time, and shift work

Qualified, state licensed physicians

Match physicians to employers needs


Physician pre-qualification process


Provide updated physician resumes

Online Job Scheduler – List times available for hire using AI technology to find the perfect physician for your needs


Focus on Telehealth Providers Only


Physicians Pre-Credentialed


Free Physician Vault to securely store credentialing documents with automated renewal and expiration reminders, with easy access for employers


Doctors Lounge to engage in today’s telehealth discussions


Telehealth training webinars and online courses to ensure our telehealth physician’s success


Employer subscription program for unlimited hiring access and reduced hiring costs


FREE CME provided to physicians


Bill 20% to 30% of first year’s earnings as compensation



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See How ViTel Will Help You

Get a complimentary demo of the ViTel platform from one of our experts to see how you can leverage ViTel to grow your practice.