Supporting Physicians

A community just for physicians and the tools to optimize your time


Take Control of Your Time

You know the feeling — combing through all the administrative work that takes away from spending time with your patients. ViTel is your partner in creating the independent practice that'll drive patient relationships and better outcomes.

We help you streamline processes like scheduling different diagnostics by automating many of your repetitive daily tasks so you can spend more time with patients. Our telehealth practice management platform is designed to help physicians take control of their time and create a more productive practice.

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Optimize Your Processes

ViTel's AI machine learning and integrated platforms can improve your processes, from patient intake to billing, and everything in between. Using ViTel’s technology, you can expand your geographical reach and dramatically improve your patients' access to you.

Telehealth EHR Platforms ViTel supports:

  • General Health
  • Workers’ Compensation
  • RPM (Remote Patient Monitoring)
  • CCM (Chronic Care Management)
  • Urgent Care
  • Skilled Nursing Facilities
  • Telepsych

Designed by Physicians, for Physicians

Benefits for Physicians


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