
Telehealth | Physicians

5 Tips For Hiring A Telehealth Professional

Telehealth is booming like never before. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, people wanted access to more efficient medical visits. For people without ...

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Practice Management | Physicians

Augmented & Virtual Reality in Healthcare: What You Need to Know

If the first thing you think about when you hear "augmented or virtual technology" is video games, you're not alone.

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Telehealth | Physicians

How Telehealth Can Streamline Care Access & Physician Communication

One of the most significant barriers to patient care is access.

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Telehealth | Physicians

What Qualifies As "Good" Care In Telemedicine?

As the adoption of telemedicine becomes more broadly accepted across the country, people have certain expectations of virtual visits. They want to get...

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Telehealth | Physicians

How Telehealth Improves Patient & Physician Communication

Phone tag is the worst, especially when getting vital information from or to your patients. Keeping your patients informed on appointment dates, thera...

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Telehealth | Physicians

The Positive Impact of Remote Work on Physicians, Nurses, and Health Coaches

Even five years ago, remote work for healthcare workers seemed impossible. Given the ongoing pandemic, remote healthcare hasn't just become a reality ...

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Telehealth | Physicians

The Resurrection of the Independent Physician: Why Physicians Should Be Leading Transformation in the Healthcare “Gig” Economy

During the pandemic we saw significant growth in the implementation and use of Telehealth, due to both necessity and diminishing government restrictio...

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Telehealth | Practice Management | Physicians

The Benefits & Challenges of Telehealth in 2024

Telehealth cemented its usefulness during the COVID-19 pandemic, and it's evident that this extension of the medical industry is here to stay.

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Telehealth | Physicians

Guide to the 4 Types of Telehealth for Physicians

Telehealth is a growing field that is being increasingly utilized by millions of Americans. According to the American Hospital Association, 74% of pat...

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Telehealth | Physicians

How Do You Evaluate Telehealth?

Telehealth has become a huge presence in the medical industry, with more physicians offering telehealth and more patients seeking telehealth medical v...

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