Empowering Physicians & Independent Practices

Whether you're in transition from employment to private practice or looking to improve your independent practice with a digital-first model, we're here to help!
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Happy Physicians, Healthy Patients

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Buried under a mountain of bureaucratic and administrative tasks combined with limited patient face-to-face time, it's no wonder that physician burnout is at an all-time high. And stressed-out physicians struggle to do what they wanted: take care of patients.

Sound familiar?

If you're a clinician looking for more support, we've got you covered.

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Who We Serve

Wherever you are in your independent practice journey, we're here for you.

Independent Medical Practices

Enhance your existing independent privatepractice with ViTel’s technology and servicenetwork.

Physicians Looking for a Change

Leverage ViTel's technology, service network, and physician community to support your transition.
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Physicians Seeking Community & Support

Enhance your existing independent privatepractice with ViTel’s technology and servicenetwork.

Platform as a Service

Our state-of-the-art platform connects the services you need to enhance your practice.

Resources for Physicians


Let’s Talk About Your Independent Practice Goals

Join us for a demo of our products and services to show you how you can enhance or transitioninto private practice.

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