

Our HIPAA compliant and secure telehealth platforms are built by physicians for physicians and are designed to be intuitive and efficient to improve every aspect of the provider and patient experience, while streamlining your processes from intake to billing. We deliver telehealth technology platforms for General Health, Workers’ Compensation, RPM (remote patient monitoring), CCM (chronic care management),  ERs – Urgent Care, Skilled Nursing Facilities, and Telepsych.


The ViTel Platforms - ViTel Access

Between patient intake, diagnostics, referrals, billing, and staffing, medical offices can lose a lot of time with inefficient systems. Because time loss means money loss, anything that can be done to improve these aspects of your practice is going to lead to significant productivity gains. Consider the amount of time needed to schedule lab tests, x-rays, or other diagnostics, or referrals to a specialist - this is precious time where faster treatment could mean dramatically better patient outcomes. Using ViTel’s telehealth practice management platform you can automate many of your daily tasks improving your practice productivity and patient outcomes.

By streamlining these processes with optimized machine learning, everyone in the healthcare chain - including physicians and patients will benefit. Let us show you how!


Optimize Your Processes

ViTel's AI machine learning and integrated platform can improve your processes, from patient intake to billing, and everything in between. Using ViTel’s technology you can expand your geographical reach and dramatically improve your patients access to you.


  • General Health
  • Workers’ Compensation
  • RPM (remote patient monitoring)
  • CCM (chronic care management)
  • ERs – Urgent Care
  • Skilled Nursing Facilities
  • Telepsych




Join Our Network

If you're ready to migrate to telehealth, add telehealth to your existing services, or simply improve your current telehealth practice, we're here to help.